Nasi Kerabu
The Colourful Palette of Nasi Kerabu's Flavors
Nasi Kerabu is a type of Malaysian rice dish called nasi ulam. It consists of coloured rice and is typically accompanied by dried fish or fried chicken, crackers, stuffed peppers, pickles, salted egg, cucumber, ulam (salad). And, of course, no serving is complete without the indispensable sambal (chilli paste).
Many might not known that there are few types of nasi kerabu such as:
(1) Nasi Kerabu Bunga Telang/Biru,
(2) Nasi Kerabu Kunyit/Kuning,
(3) Nasi Kerabu Putih,
(4) Nasi Kerabu Hijau/Ulam, and
(5) Nasi Kerabu Hitam/Daun Mengkudu.

The rice is usually blue, but it can also be in other colours.
Nasi Kerabu is coloured with natural food ingredients, such as:
(1) butterfly pea flower petals for the blue appearance,
(2) turmeric for its yellow appearance,
(3) Indian mulberry leaf for its black appearance, and
(4) assorted herbs with ulam (local salad) for a green appearance.