Raya2023: Riang Ria Raya
For Hari Raya 2023, Loka Made brings to life the celebratory times of Hari Raya in the heart of Kampung through an illustration entitled 'Riang Ria Raya'. At its core, this beautiful place captures the essence of family togetherness, reflecting the cherished traditions and joyous times we share without loved ones during the festive season.
CNY2023: New Year At Kampung Baru
本土幻想在2023癸卯年走入新村,以《新村有新春》为主题创作插图,重拾属本土人在新村迎新春的昔日美好时光,并借此宣扬新村的人文风情。Loka Made reminises celebratory times and shared memories of the Lunar New Year in the heart of Kampung Baru through illustration.