Hornbills of Malaysia
Explore the Majestic World of Hornbills

Hornbills have a long, curved bill and a bright upturned casque on their heads, giving them an interesting profile among other avians. There are over 54 species of hornbills in the world. Sarawak is home to 8 of them, earning it the title ‘The Land of the Hornbills’. Hornbills are considered emblematic of the spirit of God by the Dayak tribe of Borneo. This is why hornbills are incorporated into various aspects of their culture.
Rhinoceros Hornbill
The Rhinoceros Hornbill holds the distinction of being Malaysia's national bird. Renowned as one of the largest forest hornbills globally, it stands out for its distinctive bright casque, which arches upwards above its black beak.
Oriental Pied Hornbill

The Oriental Pied Hornbill is highly esteemed in Sarawak, where it is recognized for inhabiting the treetops.
Despite not being endangered and having a relatively wide distribution, it is challenging to encounter due to its elusive nature.
Black Hornbill

The Black Hornbill is among Malaysia's most captivating bird species, distinguished by its jet-black feathers and a white beak adorned with a white casque.
Furthermore, they exhibit particular selectivity in their choice of breeding environments, initiating breeding and nesting activities only after securing an adequate supply of fruits from the large trees.
Helmeted Hornbill

The Helmeted Hornbill, a large species of hornbill, favours old-growth rainforests because of the ample space they provide for its massive nests, which are only accommodated by vast and aged trees.
Interesting fact: The casque of a Helmeted Hornbill accounts for 11% of the bird's total body weight!
Wrinkled Hornbill

The Wrinkled Hornbill is an endangered species that holds features of blue orbital skin. At a young age, they are smaller in size and have yet to grow casques.
They often travel extensively, propelled by loud, whooshing wing beats, as they seek out fruit trees.
White-Crowned Hornbill

The White-Crowned Hornbill is a majestic bird with striking black and white plumage. It features beautiful white feathers on its crown, neck, breast, and tail. Typically, its casque and bill are of a dark blackish hue.
Bushy-Crested Hornbill

The Bushy-Crested Hornbill thrives in the humid climates of tropical and subtropical rainforests. Sporting predominantly black plumage and a black bill and casque, the Bushy-Crested Hornbill does feature some white feathers around its eyes.
Plain-Pouched Hornbill

The Plain-Pouched Hornbill is a rare and endangered species as the population decreases over time. It has a distinct plumage, predominantly black with patches of yellow and white feathers around the neck and tail.