



It’s all gold this New Year!

Ring in the festivities with us as we roam through Southern Pineapple Town, where the skies gleam golden and the harvest is bountiful. 

Reunite with family and friends as rhythmic drumming and firecrackers light up the air. 

Let every bite of pineapples bring even more prosperity to your year because Ong Lai – fortune has arrived!

南田旺梨庆丰年 新春礼盒

ONG to a Bountiful Harvest Gift Box


本土幻想携手谷丞食品诚意推出【南田旺梨庆丰年】礼盒,内含 (4in1) 红包套组、明信片、黄梨设计的福巾及8粒黄金凤梨酥。



除此之外,我们还与Touch 'n Go联手推出了新春限量卡,搭配超可爱的黄梨束口袋。

套装现已上线Touch 'n Go官方Shopee和Lazada店铺,数量有限,别错过哦!


Abundance fills the air with golden pineapples from Southern Pineapple Town! This year, we teamed up with GOOD CHEN to launch this exclusive ‘ONG to a Bountiful Harvest’ New Year Gift Box. Each box contains a 4-in-1 red packet set, postcard, a pineapple-print fabric wrap, and a box of 8 artisanal pineapple cakes.


That’s not all! We’ve also partnered with Touch ‘n Go to release Limited Edition Chinese New Year cards paired with an adorable Pineapple Drawstring Pouch 🍍 The bundle set is now available on Touch 'n Go’s official Shopee and Lazada stores.